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Driving in line with MLC key documents such as Sanya Declaration, Phnom Penh Declaration, Five Year Plan of Action on Mekong-Lancang Cooperation (2018-2022), Joint Ministerial Statement on Strengthening Cross-Border Economic Cooperation (CBEC) among MLC countries, and this project will be implemented under the Joint-Working Group on Cross-Border Economic Cooperation fulfilling development goals of the Five-Year Development Plan for MLC CBEC (2019-2023). Sharing the view that if countries are able to attract direct investments in areas located near the cross-border economic cooperation zones, it will serve to stimulate cross-border investment and trade facilitation, transport,
logistics, SMEs development, human resource development, migrant workers, technical and knowledge exchanges. With this view of facilitating investment services and promoting more investment activities along the cross-border economic cooperation zones and industrial cluster zones, this project serves to conduct seminars and compile policy compendium to provide information related to investment and trade facilitation services among MLC countries that contributes to the promotion of cross-border economic cooperation with favorable conditions to further attracting cross-border investment and facilitating trade flows.
The main purpose of this project is to enhance services related to investment and trade facilitation among MLC countries contributing to the promotion of Cross-Border Economic Cooperation. The project aims at enhancing the connection of national development strategies and leveraging the preferential policies for cross-border economic activities through streamlining services and procedures for the collaborative facilitation of cross-border investment and trade. This study could assist the Mekong-Lancang countries to better facilitate and streamline services related to investment and trade through consultations and policies exchange among key policymakers and practitioners. At the end of the project, the study also enables investors to be aware of the potential cross-border economic zones that they can position their investments in the cluster areas with a supportive ecosystem, seamless investment and trade facilitation, and unobstructed logistics and free flows of goods, services, personnel, and capital.
The vision of this project is to enhance services related to investment and trade facilitation among MLC countries contributing to the promotion of Cross-Border Economic Cooperation. The project aims at enhancing the connection of national development strategies and leveraging the preferential policies for cross-border economic activities through streamlining services and procedures for the collaborative facilitation of cross-border investment and trade.