Australia promotes access to quality rehabilitation services

Australia promotes access to quality rehabilitation services

On 9 August 2024, the Australia-Cambodia Cooperation for Equitable and Sustainable Services – Phase 2 (ACCESS 2) held the first Rehabilitation Workstream meeting. The Rehabilitation Workstream focuses on providing technical guidance to align to government’s priorities and policies aiming to contribute to the capacity of rehabilitation service providers to provide quality services. ACCESS 2 has three workstreams: rehabilitation, gender-based violence and disability inclusion.

The Rehabilitation Workstream meeting was co-chaired by the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Persons with Disabilities Foundation (PWDF) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY). The meeting included participants from MoH, MoSVY/PWDF, the Disability Action Council, the General Secretariat for the National Social Protection Council (GS-NSPC), sub-national representatives from the four ACCESS 2 target provinces: Kampong Cham, Kampong Speu, Siem Reap and Ratanakiri, KhAPO, CPTA, CHAI, and ACCESS 2’s Rehabilitation Strategic Implementing Partners — Exceed Worldwide, the International Committee of the Red Cross Cambodia (ICRC), OIC Cambodia, and WHO — along with ACCESS 2 team members and DFAT representatives.

At the meeting the participants reviewed and adopted the Term of Reference (ToR) for the Rehabilitation Workstream. Members also provided updates on the main activities for Year 2, identified potential areas of synergy for documentation and shared relevant policies, strategies, and information related to rehabilitation.

Dr Kol Hero, Director of the Preventative Medicine Department, MOH, co-chaired the meeting and emphasised the significance of rehabilitation services. He stated that MoH is striving to diversify and improve health services for persons with disabilities, which is crucial for achieving universal health coverage and the sustainable development goals of Cambodia.

HE. Khom Phalleon, Director of PWDF, MOSVY, who also co-chaired the meeting, acknowledged the collaboration with ACCESS 2 and its partners for its support, which benefits persons with disabilities and their families. He also took the opportunity to thank the Australian people and the Australian Government for their continued support of MoSVY through both ACCESS 1 and ACCESS 2 in building an inclusive society.

Mr Connor Floyd, Second Secretary of the Australian Embassy to Cambodia, emphasised that the support from the Australian Government aligns with the direction and priorities of the Cambodian government. “Part of ACCESS 2’s design is to support people in accessing quality and accessible rehabilitation services and to contribute to the full social inclusion of persons with disabilities.”